Is Newborn Photography safe?

As a newborn and baby photographer, I have to take the safety of my little clients very seriously indeed, it's always my number one priority during every single shoot.

It might surprise you to know that the newborn photography industry is completely unregulated.

Photographers like me, who take safety seriously, have to take it upon ourselves to be trained and educated on how to ensure the beautiful images we create, are done safely.

Here's an image from my last session - 

You may be forgiven, at a quick glance, with poses like these, for thinking that the baby here was actually being lifted up by his father. 

 The baby is laying safely on my beanbag and the shot taken overhead. here is the same shot before I finished editing. 

There are quite a few common industry recognised poses that take practise and experience to master and any Newborn photographer that has received training will know this. BUT just knowing these poses is the first part, the second is all about knowing how to do them safely. Some of the poses that you will see, will require the babies limbs or head to be supported by a parent whist I take the photograph. This is called a composite.

I have heard some horror stories of babies hung in slings from branches or on homemade swings, totally unsupported, newborns put in glass jars full of sweets etc. These must always be composites and finished off in photoshop. 

Being a newborn and baby photographer requires a unique set of skills and there is a worldwide organisation that exists to support photographers like me, who want to have access to safety training and resources that we can use to provide clients like you with a better service.

As a sign of my commitment to this genre of photography, I hope it reassures you that I have undergone 1-2-1 training with one of the U.K's top award winning newborn photographers and completed many online training courses.

I’m also delighted to have joined BANPAS (Baby &Newborn Photography Association) 

Please click this link and have a quick look, there's a wealth of information for mums looking into newborn photography

You will be able to find me on their directory of photographers here They also have a fabulous facebook page for pregnant and new parents here

I’d be delighted to chat to you any further about how I pose newborns safely, don't hesitate to get in touch,

Karen x